Showing posts with label CLASSROOM PRACTICE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CLASSROOM PRACTICE. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Teknologi di Kelas Model SAMR (1)

SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) adalah satu model yang dicetuskan oleh Ruben R. Puentedura
Apa itu SAMR? Saya akan mencoba membahasnya secara sederhana dalam postingan kali ini. 

Teknologi di sekolah, yang banyak dipahami sebagai penggunaan komputer atau alat bantu belajar yang menggunakan teknologi, sering digunakan hanya sebatas pengetahuan dan tempelan dari pembelajaran itu sendiri. Pemahaman tentang penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran di kelas sangat menarik karena benar-benar akan membuka mata kita, baik sebagai pendidik maupin pembelajar.

Sejalan dengan perkembangan penggunaan teknologi, maka pembelajaran di kelas, sewajarnya juga sudah bergeser. Dahulu, kita mengenal laboratorium komputer. Sebuah sekolah yang mempunyai laboratorium komputer bahkan laboratorium bahasa, akan sangat dipandang sebagai sekolah yang maju. Namun, hal menarik yang patut dicermati adalah, apakah yang diajarkan di dalam laboratorium tersebut? Skill mengetik? Skill mendengarkan?

Skill mengetik, skill mendengarkan, skill mengolah data, semuanya sangat mendukung pekerjaan sehari-hari. Hal yang saya coba garisbawahi di sini adalah kata "mendukung". Sementara, paradigma pembelajaran sekarang bukanlah terkotak-kotak pada disiplin pelajaran tertentu, melainkan saling terkait. Saling terkait antara satu pembelajaran dengan pembelajaran lainnya sebenarnyalah memang yang terjadi dalam dunia nyata, dunia kerja. Bukankan salah satu hal yang dipersiapkan untuk para siswa adalah untuk siap memasuki dunia kerja?

Mari, kita lihat lebih dekat SAMR. Berikut ini, saya akan memberikan contoh penggunaan SAMR, agar Anda lebih bisa mengerti secara cepat. 

Substitution: Pada tahap ini, kita mencoba menggunakan teknologi namun sebatas pada "mengganti" media yang sudah ada dengan media lain dengan sentuhan teknologi.
Contoh kegiatan yang sering terjadi adalah: menulis karangan menggunakan prosesor penulisan (MS Word, Pages, dll).
Kegiatan itu hanyalah "memindahkan" tulisan yang sebelumnya menggunakan pensil dan kertas, menjadi papan ketik dan layar komputer. Nilai yang didapat, tentu saja hanya sekedar pemindahan. 

Augmentation: Pada tahap ini, kita mencoba menggunakan teknologi dengan menambah fitur-fitur untuk lebih memberdayakan teknologi dari Substitution yang hanya memindahkan media.
Contoh kegiatan yang dapat terjadi adalah menulis menggunakan prosesor penulisan dengan beberapa tambahan fitur seperti link ke website tertentu, menambah gambar, grafik, dll. 

Modification: Pada tahap ini, kita mencoba menggunakan teknologi dapat dibagi dengan pihak lain. Hal ini bisa dilakukan menggunakan "Google Docs, dkk", "Blog" dan lainnya.
Kegiatan ini, ada penambahan nilai dimana pihak lain dapat melihat, memberi kritik, komentar, mengedit dokumen yang sama dan menambah adanya nuansa kerjasama.

Redefinition: Pada tahap ini, kita mencoba menggunakan teknologi untuk mengubah bentuk awal menjadi satu bentuk baru. 
Kita ambil contoh kegiatan menulis di atas. Setelah melalui proses Substitution, Augmentation dan Modification, maka ketika masuk dalam Redefinition, tulisan yang sudah melewati tahap kolaborasi, komentar, edit bersama, dijadikan sebuah skenario. Skenario ini lalu dituangkan dalam sebuah filem. Nah, hasil jadinya yang berupa filem ini adalah Redefinition dari bentuk semulanya. 

Nah, bagaimana semuanya itu bisa terjadi? Diperlukan beberapa tahap di belakang semuanya itu? Hal ini akan saya bahas di postingan berikutnya :)

sampai berjumpa di postingan berikut!



Friday, November 15, 2013

Audioboo #theipadsummit

listen to ‘hugo’ on Audioboo

Thanks to Mike Hoffman and Marcello Mongardi for this precious information :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Beberapa postingan terakhir adalah usaha saya untuk "cuci gudang". Seperti postingan ini, adalah sebuah flashback untuk beberapa hal yang saya lakukan dengan siswa-siswi sekolah dasar berkenaan dengan teknologi. Berkaitan dengan teknologi, beberapa tahun yang lalu saya memperkenalkan podcast kepada siswa-siswi. Banyak dari siswa-siswi sekarang mempunyai iPod untuk mendengarkan musik. Melihat sudut pandang itu, saya tahu bahwa podcast bisa diputar di iPod.

Mulailah saya dengan membuka laptop di depan siswa-siswi dan menunjukkan program Garage Band. Ya, laptop saya adalah sebuah Apple MacBook. Dengan program Garage Band, saya membimbing siswa-siswi untuk membuat sebuah tayangan podcast. Apa sih podcast itu? Saya mencoba mendefinisikannya secara sederhana menurut pemahaman saya. Menurut saya, podcast adalah sebuah presentasi dengan suara presenter lengkap dengan gambar presentasinya. Menariknya, podcast bisa diberi musik yang bisa menjadi "ilustrasi" dari presentasi tersebut. Apakah podcast harus dibuat dengan program Garage Band? Setahu saya, podcast bisa dibuat dengan program lain, namun karena saya menggunakan Apple MacBook, maka itulah program paling simple terutama untuk siswa-siswi.

Oh ya, saya menggunakan podcast untuk pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Skill yang hendak dilatih adalah menulis, membaca dan presentasi tak langsung. Sekali dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui, bukan?

Saya cantumkan dua contoh di bawah ini. Silahkan mendownloadnya dari link di akhir postingan ini. Selamat menikmati!



MieInstant Year6M.m4a

Monday, July 15, 2013


I have a MacBook. I have green wall in my school. I have iMovie within my MacBook. Can I make a movie? In February 5, 2013, I just finished another green screen project with Year 6 students. The aim of this project was to support their PYP Exhibition. I always try to persuade other teachers to use technology in line with "what we have" around the school. I think so far, Apple with its MacBook has provided us with some programs to start with. I guess it is a matter of time when other teachers realize what I say. Let's see the video below, shall we?

Note: I use Video Shrinker - an Apple Apps to re-size the video 



Sunday, February 24, 2013


Using my classroom and other classrooms as laboratories had put me into a deep thought. Among many thoughts I had in mind, I stopped to one skill that students used naturally: Social Skills.

What are Social Skills?
In brief, Social Skills are skills that we use to communicate - verbally or non-verbally - with other people. In this writing, I mostly will see skills used in classrooms that related with social skills in general.

Social Skills in Classrooms
I will use some skills depicted in classrooms such as accepting responsibility, cooperating and resolving conflict. To my point of view, these three skills are related with each other. Once again, using my classrooms and other classrooms as laboratories, I saw these three skills - included in Social Skills - were really needed and powerful.

Accepting responsibility
Some students need extra encouragement to accept responsibility in some extends. Lack of confidence, fear, underestimating themselves might be some reasons to see. Here are some examples that I have seen happening in classrooms.
Why should I carry this responsibility? Can you please choose someone else? These questions are mostly asked by students with low self-esteem - sometimes a bit of fear that they might not lead well as it has been asked. This kind of reaction is like a disease. It is truly contagious to other students within the group. If my friends can escape from that responsibility, why can't I?
Again, as teachers, we need to give motivational inputs. Some students feel more comfortable when there is assignment to do, it is completed with the how to do list. We need to give them a bit insight then the rest of what will happen, we let them to anticipate as the real life will do similarly.

It is a bit difficult and frustrated sometimes for some students to cooperate themselves in a group work. Some of them might have an idea of becoming passive members as their sign of good cooperation. It is something that teachers need to aware of. Students with that kind of attitude soon or later will take everything passively. When starting the learning process, teachers need to give clear expectation on what is accepted and not accepted as a cooperation. Being attentive as well as active in sharing materials or opinion are some real actions in making word cooperation comes true.

Resolving Conflict
This skill is really hard when nobody wants to lose. For many children, loosing an argument is not a good way to impress their buddies. In a group work, conflict happens easily. One child wants to be more recognized than others and vice versa. As teachers, we need to remind students that it is better to keep the situation healthy than to let things loosen and conflict comes. Small things mean a lot such as listening to others, taking turns, reacting positively to others' opinion, compromising opinions, connecting things. To make things run smoothly, as teachers we need to guide and train students on reacting in such conditions.

Those are the skills that students need to improve. Once again, different classrooms will have different point of view as I see these skills needed in classrooms I have observed.



Tuesday, January 10, 2012


"ICT can play an important role in the success of an exhibition. Students are not required
to use ICT in the exhibition but it provides several practical and creative solutions 
to support the exhibition where appropriate".
(PYP Exhibition Guideline - International Baccalaureate Organization 2008)

As the previous year, Tunas Muda International School launches its PYP exhibition with the ICT "touch" here and there.
The reason why we use ICT because the students need to be exposed to their own nature. Most of them, live their life digitally. Why don't we accommodate it? Another reason is the involvement of ICT is widely opened.
The students use PC and internet connection to support their research beside library research. They do the tape recording with their laptop while interviewing sources. They take pictures for the interview and for other purposes.

Here, I give you the link to their websites. The websites are still developed but surely meaningful. The reason why I use weebly as the main website because weebly gives reasonable price. I have used weebly for two years. My mistake last month with weebly was deleting the students websites from the previous classes. I forgot that my subscription contained forty (40) free websites under weebly. Well, it's a lesson for me!

Have a joy moment reading the students websites!



Thursday, November 24, 2011


"The Primary Years Programme (PYP) exhibition represents a significant event in the life 
of a PYP school and student, synthesizing the essential elements of the PYP 
and sharing them with the whole school community".
(IB-PYP Exhibition Guideline, 2008)

For all PYP students around the world, PYP exhibition is surely a big thing. I have been doing the exhibition with my students for six years. For six years, I have seen things are growing differently. The transdisciplinary theme can be the same for two years, but the way the students approached the issues are certainly different. 

In my first year teaching in IB-PYP school, I asked myself: why should we do the exhibition? why bother? Once I jumped in, then I realized how challenging the stage was. I saw how my students applied their PYP attributes within the exhibition preparation totally. The role of the teachers as mentors only took part as a "frying pan". The students are the ingredients, the stove and the fire!

Here I describe the teachers as a "frying pan" because they only a place where the students put everything they find during their independent research. The teachers hold the findings and only the truest and genuine findings can stay within the "pan". After having a "green" light to go, then the students will turn on the stove and lit the fire!

Here also I try to copy what has been mentioned in the exhibition guideline handbook.

The PYP exhibition has a number of key purposes:

  • for students to engage in an in- depth, collaborative inquiry
  •  to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their
    own learning
  • to provide students with an opportunity to explore multiple perspectives
  •  for students to synthesize and apply their learning of previous years and to reflect upon their journey through the PYP
  •  to provide an authentic process for assessing student understanding
  •  to demonstrate how students can take action as a result of their learning to unite the students, teachers, parents and other members of the school community in a collaborative
    experience that incorporates the essential elements of the PYP
  • to celebrate the transition of learners from primary to middle/secondary education.

(IB-PYP The Exhibition Guideline, 2008)

  After this writing, I will provide you all with the latest process of PYP exhibition conducted by my students at my current school, Tunas Muda International School Meruya, Jakarta, Indonesia. 



Friday, October 7, 2011


In the 21st century learning environment, the use of application programs is unavoidable. Some programs have to be bought before downloaded. The good news is that a lot of programs are made freely for all users around the world.
One program out of many programs that really suits the 21st century teaching and learning is Google Sketchup. Not only teaching the students about shapes and maths application but also giving direction on how the students can take action by designing useful invention for their surroundings.

Therefore, in relation with the technology unit, my year  six students work individually in "designing" a useful technology. Surprisingly, they made things to help Jakarta as the Indonesia capital city. They dreamed to have some useful items such as "pollution house", "anti flood dam", "anti traffic", and many more. Surely, their designs were not the most detail ones as they were the experts. The way they responded on terrible things their city faces was one prove from many that the students had hearts to share with other citizens.

Some of them came to me and asked what I am making on my computer. I told them that I wanted to have a dam that able to avoid us from the flood as well as a water purifying dam. This kind of answered had triggered them to work on their design. Google sketchup really made them like experts. Here are some screen shots. Enjoy them!



Saturday, August 14, 2010


Grade 1 TMIS,

"It must be nice to see our parents coming to school everyday". That idea comes from one of grade 1 students at TMIS. Well, I agree with that student.

Last week, Ibu Juliana, one of parents in grade 1 came to the classroom. She was invited by the grade 1 teacher, Ms. Puspa. The aim of her presence is to share her story about her daughter's activities from the morning until night.

She brought some pictures, books and other stuffs. She was really kind to tell her daughter's activities. There were many questions from students. Ibu Juliana was really happy to see how active and attentive the students were. Some of grade 1 students even asked when their mommies could come and shared stories. Soon!



(for safety issue, the pictures have been removed)


Grade 4 TMIS

"What is happening in front of teachers' room?". I went outside my room. I was wondering myself when I saw Ms. Tashya, grade 4 teacher, used tape measure to her students. 
I stood next to the crowd. Listening to their conversation was all I could do. 
Aha! after several minutes listening to their discussion, I started to understand. 
Grade 4 learned how to use tape measure. They measure the length of their body parts. "That tells me" I talked to myself. It was interesting to see they did the activity outside their classroom as the could refer their findings by looking at the soft-board outside their classroom where they put their display about skeleton. All right boys and girls..carry on!



(for safety issue, the pictures have been removed)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Grade 5L Tunas Muda International School (TMIS)

I had a chance to go upstairs and visited grade 5L. I was wondering why some of the students sitting down on the floor. Then I found out that they were making a chart. However, it was not the chart only that coming into my interest. I saw some of them holding cans and bottles.

Looking closely at the chart, I got the picture of what they were doing. They observed the nutrition facts labels on the cans and bottles. It was interesting because they started to count the nutrition they got when they consumed the food and drink.

They also learned how their body needed to consume  nutrition. They counted the contain of  nutrition and the need for their body. Well, I will go straight forward to the pictures and let you all inspired with your own creativity. Enjoy!



Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Many times as a teacher, we can't give a score to what the students are doing. Mostly, we feel awkward in giving score when the assessment is project-based one. We know what the students need to do and achieve, however, scoring band won't help. At this stage, a rubric is really needed.

I know that for some of us, making rubric is a new thing. Let's learn from a very interesting website specially working with rubrics. The website name is Rubistar.  Here is the link!

Make sure you really go this page.

Do I have to register? Well, you don't have to. There are some templates provided according to the topic you need. However, it is recommended for you to register, if you want to make a specific rubric for your class.

Okay then, I hope you are going to produce million of rubrics to help you and your project-based assessment. Have a go!



Monday, March 1, 2010


Graphs, Chance and Data. That was the title written in my Maths Scope and Sequence. Well, what is that? 

I found that the idea of using Microsoft Excel was not a new thing at all. However, to my grade 5 students, it was like a new thing for them. After having the bar graphs in their maths book ( as the result of their "mini survey"), in a sudden I asked them to open their laptop and transferred one of their graphs using the program. It was funny when they really paid attention because they wanted to make the most different look compared to their friends'. 

It was amazing to see how grade 5 students tried to explore many different kind of graphs style. At this stage, I only will share this really brief story. The next step, I will have the screen capture of what the students have made.  
Here is the screen capture from one of my students. Great job!



Sunday, December 13, 2009


In Bahasa Indonesia, we learned about legend and folktale. I gave my students the legend of Ki Ageng Pandanaran. It was the story where Ki Ageng as the mayor of Semarang had a great lesson from Sunan Kalijaga - one of the most influence Moslem leaders in 13th Century.

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, siswa-siswi belajar tentang cerita legenda. Saya membawakan legenda tentang Ki Ageng Pandanaran dalam legenda terjadinya kota Salatiga. Ki Ageng adalah seorang bupati Semarang yang mendapatka satu pelajaran tentang menjadi pemimpin yang baik dari Sunan Kalijaga - salah seorang wali yang sangat berpengaruh di abad 13.

The students put one fragment from the story into a comic. Therefore, we use comic life provided within the Apple laptop that they use. Here is one example of the comic. Great job!

Siswa-siswi menuangkan cerita dalam satu fragmen yang mereka pilih. Oleh karenanya mereka menggunakan program comic life dari Apple, laptop yang mereka pakai. Ini adalah salah satu contoh hasil karya mereka. Bagus!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Many times I have got the impression of teaching maths only for skill. Well, for some people who were raised in that kind of situation, I will not give my argument. However, our kids today live in the era of gadgets, games and gold.

As 21st century teacher, I have my own big question. When I transfer the concept and assist the kids to "play" with the skills, what is my expectation?
Honestly, my expectation is only one. I want the students to apply the skills. I do not want the students end up with the knowledge but not the application. It is true that the way the students deliver their understanding onto their application work is different depending on their own level of understanding. We do not have to worry that the kids whose level of understanding is lower, will not survive in the future. The kids have their ability as students which is to see, observe, re-think and re-do. I believe all adults (parents) have that kind of experience. Adults might be afraid that the kids will fail and feel useless. They won't.

This is a picture of learning about the area of rectangle in application of a parking lot. The students learned how to divide a piece of land into a parking lot complete with the arrangement and the income. I believe, the application of skills presented in this project will make the a better practitioner in the future.



Monday, October 27, 2008


Hey there!
Our class has our new virtual book. It's mathletics! Yes, it is an interactive online maths website. To go to this website, we must be a member. Our class is quite lucky. We are the first Indonesian School subscribing the program.
Another thing to be proud of is this one; just in two days, our class has reached number 21 out of more than  3000 schools all over the world using the web. It's not that easy.
Mathletics really gives the students power to love maths. It does not offer maths games but also offers the support. The students can go to the support page before doing the tasks. Wow, I cannot tell you more, just see and try!


Dear all, Time flies. We are now walking the second unit of our inquiries. As we are learning about colonialism and imperialism, we are looking for their meaning. More than just a meaning, we make our research on people who had the experience during Dutch colonialism or the Japan imperialism of Indonesia. Mrs. T and I were preparing the unit when accidentally she had this very interesting website. The website was like our virtual book just when we needed one. As we were born as inquirer, I tried to fulfill the guest book. To my surprise, Mrs. Van Kampen replied! I was excited. When my class was doing their reading on her websites, I told them that she replied my comment in her website guestbook by e-mail. The whole class was surprised. They wanted to send her email by their own email account. Wow, hold on! Let's have all questions together to make everything smoother.
We had made the students to ask 5 questions per group. Basically, we corresponded using 21st century tools ; e-mail. It was unbelievable when she replied the students email. We were more than excited! We wanted to talk to her live!
Well, let's wait and see!