Monday, March 1, 2010


Graphs, Chance and Data. That was the title written in my Maths Scope and Sequence. Well, what is that? 

I found that the idea of using Microsoft Excel was not a new thing at all. However, to my grade 5 students, it was like a new thing for them. After having the bar graphs in their maths book ( as the result of their "mini survey"), in a sudden I asked them to open their laptop and transferred one of their graphs using the program. It was funny when they really paid attention because they wanted to make the most different look compared to their friends'. 

It was amazing to see how grade 5 students tried to explore many different kind of graphs style. At this stage, I only will share this really brief story. The next step, I will have the screen capture of what the students have made.  
Here is the screen capture from one of my students. Great job!

