Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The internationalism has been a trend currently. People want to be still considered local while they also want to be part of international world. One way among many ways in embracing internationalism is to have fluency in some "world languages". 

The languages that people have desire to master are English, France, Latin and Chinese. Besides those four languages, people will automatically master their own mother tongue. In some countries, people can have two mother tongues. Thus, if they learn two other world languages, then these people would be mastering four languages during their lives. 

To be able to use some languages with good standard of fluency must be a great achievement. Some people find it easy as they are language naturalists; some find it hard. 
The rapid changes of world's global economy encourages people to put language as an asset. There are any language courses are established to meet the need of language learners. There are many adults and kids register and learn within language courses. 

Some schools that also want to embrace the internationalism apply certain language policy that they believe will enhance the language skill of their students. However, some schools have made themselves as "risk-taker" by applying "three-languages policy". The expectation is that students at the end of schooling will be able to use three languages in their lives. 

The big question now is whether the students will master the three languages fluently or they will have one language mastered while other languages are just a failure?

Learning a language, I believe must be started with strengthening the mother tongue of a student. Once the mother tongue is established both in school and home, then the students will be able to master another language easily. Another support is that if a family wants the kids want to master two languages, then the family must also exposed every member of family with the correct use of the two languages. What about three languages? I really think that three languages is way too much.

Now, it goes back to school and family policy then.