Friday, September 19, 2014


It's been a while.
I just want to inform you shortly that I have my four books published on iTunes Store.
They are: Capture It!(Photography Book), 85-89 (Indonesian Novel), Water (Inquiry Based Learning) and Joshua Is Late (A Bilingual Story Book).
Hope you like them.
Oh one more thing, all books are not available within iTunes Indonesia. Therefore, to get one, you need to switch store when you log in. It is easier, if you follow the links below. Why? because you will be given a way to go to iBooks Store launcher. Then, you will be asked if you want to change store since the books you are looking for are not available in iTunes Indonesia Store.
Of course, you need to have Apple ID :)
Here are the links!!/id920301752?ls=1&mt=11

Followed by the screenshots ;)



Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Saya membuat video ini dengan VideoScribe free version (Thank you!) Semoga terinspirasi! salam, Hugo

Monday, January 27, 2014



Kali ini saya menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia untuk menyapa semua pembaca blog ini khususnya kalian yang berada di Indonesia.

Dalam perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat, beberapa hal yang dahulu hanya bisa kita lakukan lewat personal computer (PC), atau laptop, sekarang telah bisa kita lakukan melalui tablet seperti iPad. Salah satunya adalah menulis blog.

Blog yang saya tulis kali ini menggunakan satu aplikasi yang bernama Blogsy yang ter-install di iPad. Saya dan siswa-siswi di sekolah mulai menulis blog menggunakan iPad. Namun blog siswa-siswi tidak saya cantumkan di sini untuk menjaga privasi mereka. Anda semua sudah bisa kok menikmati hasilnya melalui tulisan saya ini.

Teknologi seperti ini memang masih dirasakan mahal bagi banyak dari kita warga negara Indonesia. Namun demikian, saya yakin apabila satu hari nanti semuanya akan dimungkinkan baik oleh situasi maupun oleh keinginan masing-masing individu. Semoga hal itu bisa segera menjadi nyata.

Saya sertakan satu gambar yang saya ambil menggunakan kamera terintegrasi di iPad di tulisan ini. Semoga hari Anda semua penuh dengan inspirasi dan Anda menjadi inspirasi juga bagi orang lain. Salam!







Sunday, January 26, 2014


I try new app called My Brushes Lite. This one is the free version. Interesting part is that you can either use your finger or any compatible stylus. Some pictures that I have tried to make:

Picture 1: Aura

Picture 2: Ibu (Mother)

Picture 3: Alam (Nature)

Enjoy the pictures :)




Thursday, January 23, 2014


Hi there!

While my new blog - or site, let's say it is - is designed, I have some days to fill with activities. One of the activities is finding a good app for blogging using iPad.

I have tried at least two apps. I finally land my choice to an app named Blogsy. This post is written with Blogsy.

Blogsy allows blogger to post blog complete with photos and videos. For photos and videos, you should host the files in some links such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Picasa. I think Blogsy seems to think that its users connected to these social media - like I do :)

Anyway, here I am with Blogsy!